Monday, January 6, 2020

Welcome to the 20's

Hello fellow readers,

It’s the first Monday of 2020 and I’m looking forward to what the upcoming year 
holds, but in order to look forward, sometimes you need to look back on all you’ve 
accomplished so far. So today, I thought I’d reflect on my year. Please keep in 
mind this is a reflection, not a gloat; I want to apologize if my year went better 
than yours, but remember, you made it to 2020, maybe this is your year.

I started 2019 in my last semester of college, so I was filled with depression and 
anxiety. I was taking my last two classes, an internship, and working part-time as 
a receptionist. Early on I knew I was taking on more than I needed to so I resigned 
from my part-time job and focused solely on school, including the internship. It 
was the best decision I made because even though I no longer had a steady income, 
I was able to be successful in my classes; it ultimately led to me graduating! I had 
an amazing friend take my graduation photos, he was such a good sport about 
driving around and spending the entire day taking my photos at the different 
schools I attended growing up, I cannot thank him enough! He did such an 
incredible job! I highly recommend asking him or at least follow him on Instagram 

 Photo credit: Michael Ramirez
My favorite photo
Graduating with a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry was a huge accomplishment 
for me. It took 5 years, lots of tears and stress, and so much love and support, but 
I made it! I celebrated my accomplishments swing dancing and with family. A 
week later, I departed for my trip to Europe - see my previous 4 posts about the 
trip (Ballad Du Paris, Great Scots!, A Potterhead’s Dreamland, Land of the 
Leprechauns) - where I got to see and do so much and make so many new friends. 
When I returned from my trip I got to spend a lot of time with my family and 

 Photo credit: my amazing best friend, Gabrielle
Location: Stirling Castle, Scotland 

In fact, I had family visit from another country and, since I was home, I was able 
to drive them around and take them to see the sights. Time at home also allowed 
me to reflect on myself and what brings me joy. I found solace in reading, writing, 
and, of course, Netflix binge-watching. It was during this time that I found 
inspiration for starting a blog to satisfy my love for writing, keep me motivated, 
and have an emotional outlet.

 Location: new job in early morning

By the end of 2019 I was offered a full-time job and soon after I started my 
training the day of my birthday! I feel so blessed to have had all these amazing 
things happen to me, and these are just the highlights, not including concerts, live 
bands, and so on. There were a lot of days where I felt depressed, lacked motivation, 
and questioned my abilities, but, upon reflection, it was a fantastic year. So, look 
forward to 2020, this could be your year like I said earlier, and I don’t mind 
stepping aside so you can have that. Feel inspired, motivated, and look at all the 
good stuff as they come, it could be a great year, keep your head up!

Live every day to the fullest.

Love, Damaris

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