Monday, February 3, 2020

California Balboa Classic 2020

Hello fellow readers,

A post has been long overdue, it’s been a busy few weeks, but I am here to talk about my 
recent swing dance weekend! 

If you’ve read my first post about swing dancing - Swing On By! - then you’ve heard me 
mention Balboa. If you don’t know the dance balboa, then feel free to visit the following 
link, but the way I describe balboa is that it’s a close proximity dance that works very 
well for fast tempo songs.

If you’re like me and prefer to learn visually what balboa is, see the link to a recent 
competition I got to witness of a couple of my favorite dancers, Blake and Teni, who are 
a major inspiration for me.

I’ve only been dancing balboa for a short period of time, but I absolutely fell in love with 
the fluidity and subtlety of it. When I watched competition videos for the California 
Balboa Classic I knew I wanted to get better. I’d been lucky to make a connection through 
the swing dance community with the volunteer coordinator who encouraged me to sign 
up as a volunteer for the California Balboa Classic 2020, so I did and I was one of the 
lucky few that had the opportunity! I volunteered a few hours every day of the weekend 
and in return, I got to attend classes and social dances for free.

The volunteer experience was absolutely wonderful. I love keeping busy and as a bonus, 
I got to meet new people and make friends. Don’t get me wrong, I was extremely tired 
for most of the weekend because of the previous work week, but I pushed through - with 
lots and lots of coffee - and had a lot of fun dances, got to dress up in vintage clothing, 
listen to amazing live bands, and witness some incredible dancers compete. I feel like I 
learned some new techniques and moves along with discovering some personal dance 
abilities. After the weekend, I was left wanting to expand on what I got a taste of over the 
weekend, but it’s been difficult to manage my time to do so. I’m not giving up, I just need 
to learn to adjust myself to the circumstances.

Photo credit: Skeeter
Location: CalBal 2020; Newport Beach, CA 
One thing I know for sure, I had an incredible experience volunteering, but now that I can 
afford to, I will attempt to attend California Balboa Classic 2021 as an attendee paying out 
of pocket. In addition, I would love to continue to grow in the dance and be more 
courageous to ask people to dance balboa with me. Also, I am so grateful to everyone who 
gave me advice and danced with me, there’s no way I could improve without practicing!

Live every day to the fullest.

Love, Damaris

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